JGL’s ongoing collaboration with artists continues to enrich our design process. With Jubilee Place in particular, our extraordinary collaboration with Ben Quilty, Philip Bacon and Jan Murphy, – to create a monumental 7 metre by 3 metre artwork to be placed in the dual level lobby – integrates art into the fabric of this unique building, shaping its relationship to the public realm.

The artwork – a Rorschach-inspired homage to one of Australia’s original warriors for saving the environment, Arthur Streeton – is a fitting celebration and reminder of the impeccable sustainability credentials of this world-leading environmentally conscious building.

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A unique collaboration with locally and internationally acclaimed artists elevated the Newstead Series residences. The work of Jason Fitzgerald and Rinzen embeds the project in the unique context of Newstead and provides a strong sense of identity and home for the owners and users.

Local artist Jason Fitzgerald’s woodwork installations were custom-built as “three-dimensional timber tapestries” for the lobby areas of the Newstead Series. His work responds to the timber trusses, framing and detail of the historic work stores and visibly links private and public realms.

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